History of Regular Expression

  • concept developed in 1950 by mathematician Stephen Keene
  • Became regularly used by Unix text processing utilities.
  • Many different variations became standardized by the POSIX standard
  • A version of regular expressions was used in Perl in the 1980s.
  • In 1997 Philip Hazel developed PCRE for use in many modern tools

create a RegEx in JS

  • let regex1 = new RegExp(’hello’)
  • let regex2 = /world/

About Methods

RegExp Methods

  • test: returns true if pattern is found in the passsed string; false if not
  • exec: returns an array of matches
  • toString: returns a string of the regular expressions syntax

String Methods

  • match: returns an array of matches just like exec on RegExp.
  • search: returns an index of the matched string
  • replace: replaces matches with string
  • split: splits a string into an array. The division is based on the regular expression pattern

Regular Expression Flags

  • /pattern/flags or new RegExp(”pattern”, “flags”)
  • g match more than one occurance
  • i insensitive match
  • m multi-line match

That Metacharacters

  • wildcard . It represents any single character
  • escaped character \ It mathces a “.” character
  • hyphen - like 0-9 or a-z
  • square brace [] range
  • + Matches one or more occurrences
  • ? Matches zero or one occurrences
  • *. Matches zero or more occurrences
  • {min,} {min, max} {min}
  • \b Word boundary-Pattern bounded by a non-word character
  • \B Nonword boundary-Pattern bounded by a word character

Character Set Shorthand

  • \d [0-9] \D [^0-9]
  • \w [a-zA-Z0-9_] \W [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
  • \s [\t\r\n] \S [^\t\r\n]

Groupback reference

  • non capture group 使用 ?: 比如 (?:\w+)

unicode character