React-router 的三个主要工作

  • Subscribing and manipulating the history stack.

    what is history stack, try to hold the back button in a browser you can see the browser's history stack right there.

  • Matching the URL to your routes.

    what is routes, a tree of routes objects that will be ranked and matched(with nesting).

  • Rendering a nested UI from the route matches(An array of routes of the route config that matches the current location.)

About the history stack

There are five steps

  1. clicks a link to /dashboard
  2. clicks a link to /accounts
  3. clicks a link to /customers/123
  4. clicks the back button
  5. clicks a link to /dashboard

The history stack will change as follows where bold entries denote the current URL

  1. /dashboard
  2. /dashboard, /accounts
  3. /dashboard, /accounts, /customers/123
  4. /dashboard, /accounts, /customers/123
  5. /dashboard, /accounts, /dashboard

History object

  • 客户端渲染中,通过window.history.pushState可以改变URL,但是对UI没做什么事情,而且浏览器没有给出合适的监听URL变化的方法。
window.addEventListener("popstate", () => {
  // URL changed!
  • 该事件监听仅仅在用户点击前进后退按钮才会被触发。window.history.pushStatewindow.history.replaceState 不会触发popstate事件
  • 于是React-router中特制的“history”亮相了
let history = createBrowserHistory();
history.listen(({ location, action }) => {
  // this is called whenever new locations come in
  // the action is POP, PUSH, or REPLACE
  • Apps don't need to set up their own history objects--that's job of <Router>. It sets up one of these objects, subscribe to changes in the history stack, and finally updates its state when the URL changes. This causes the app to re-render and the correct UI to display. The only thing it needs to put on state is a location, everything else works from that single object.


  • the location concept in React Router
let location =
  pathname: "/bbq/pig-pickins",
  search: "?campaign=instagram&popular=true",
  hash: "#menu",
  state: null,
  key: "aefz24ie"

一般来讲 URL = locaiton.pathname + + location.hash

About Location's properties

  • location search 取值
// we can turn the into URLSearchParams
let params = new URLSearchParams(;
params.get("campaign"); // "instagram"
params.get("popular"); // "true"
params.toString(); // "campaign=instagram&popular=true",
  • location state 的使用
<Link to="/pins/123" state={{ fromDashboard: true }} />;
let navigate = useNavigate();
navigate("/users/123", { state: partialUser });
//next page
let location = useLocation();
  • location key Example: a very basic client side data cache could store values by location key and skip fetching the data when user clicks back into it

Two ways to navigating in React Router

  • <Link>
  • navigate

Router Components


  • Type declaration
declare function BrowserRoute(props: BrowserRouterProps): React.ReactElement
interface BrowserRouterProps {
  basename?: string;
  children?: React:ReactNode;
  window?: Window;
  • <BrowserRouter> create a history, puts the initial location in to state, and subscribe to the URL.

    the history is an object that allows react router to subscribe to changes in the URL as well as providing APIs to manipulate the browser history stack programmatically.